Our Mission

Building resilient communities of displaced and host communities through sustainable development

Our Vision

To enable the compassionate movement of those displaced by natural or man-made disasters to safety, and providing them and their host communities with opportunities to build their lives and thrive for the long term


AIRD remains committed to: good internal governance, transparency, accountability, professionalism, sustainability, partnership and innovation


We want to do even more

AIRD has built a strong reputation in its areas of operation based on the ongoing need for the highest quality professional logistics, construction and infrastructure. These are critical and immediate needs in most humanitarian and emergency settings and allow for the quick delivery of items and services for displaced people.

At AIRD, we want to be in position to give these individuals hope in spite of their present circumstances. We believe empowerment comes not only from providing critical relief items, but also through sustainable opportunities that lead to more resilient communities. This encourages the growth of enterprising spirits, and a sense that a bright future is still possible. AIRD cares because collective community growth is only possible if everyone is given an equal opportunity to participate. By delivering excellent humanitarian logistics, construction and infrastructure support to donors, agencies and governments, we will continue to provide the foundational support in the early phases and ongoing stages of emergencies.

As conditions in camps and settlements stabilise, including to the point of return for some refugees, we will become increasingly connected to the host communities, IDPs & refugees, through the provision of sustainable livelihoods, WASH and environmental assistance to build their resilience, and to help those not in their usual place of abode to return home well and equipped to enhance their own communities.

We also will proactively seek to grow operational programmes by considering supporting work in countries neighbouring existing field activity sites as well as those further afield.
In order to generate more unrestricted income we will consider the merits of establishing AIRD’s logistics, vehicle maintenance etc as a business in different countries of operation.

We renewed our vision and mission statements in 2020 to reflect who we work for and what we want to achieve.