Vehicle maintenance by a Mechanic Inspector in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo.

A non-functioning asset can seriously hamper activities in areas of operation and slow down the delivery of assistance required by Persons of Concern. The road conditions that vehicles in many areas that AIRD and other implementing partners operate in are truly difficult. In addition to vehicles, assets such as generators are used in areas where reliable electricity is but a dream at present. The wear and tear experienced in the use of these assets means that a dependable and experienced team must always be on hand to keep these resources running with minimal downtime. For vehicles and machinery that require repair and maintenance, AIRD workshops are equipped to keep these running at optimal levels to ensure seamless running of activities in the areas of operation where AIRD and Partners are stationed. Spare part management is a critical element in our workshops. Given the generally hard operating conditions in many areas of humanitarian operation, maintenance in the field for vehicles and other assets such as boats and generators pose greater challenges than in commercial garages. AIRD’s experience meant that our workshops were able to anticipate the requirements of partners in the field, and reduce the amount of time they would ordinarily take for repair.

The unique demands faced by workshops in the humanitarian space have become very well understood by our teams. Workshops are able to deliver whether services are required in the context of relief work (high urgency, short durations) or development contexts (low urgency, long durations). Our engineers and technicians are able to provide assistance through strategically located workshops or in situations when they must travel to remote areas to undertake urgent repairs. Our expertise in maintaining assets for humanitarian organisations is an area we are especially proud of.