The importance of having humanitarian relief items on hand, in excellent condition and in the volumes required cannot be understated when addressing the needs of PoC who often arrive with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Proper storage of Non Food Items in our warehouses ensures that they are available for dispatch when required. Our warehouses are managed according to very high standards in order to guarantee that the final beneficiaries receive the quality items they need. Conditions in all our warehouses are closely managed to maintain the integrity of all items under our care
Many of our warehouses and rub halls are located in fairly close proximity to settlement camps to enhance efficiency. In instances where locating a warehouse close to beneficiaries is not feasible due to unfavourable conditions, our teams have converted trucks into moving warehouses on wheels to ensure delivery at all costs.
There is restricted access to the warehouses and rub halls to prevent losses of NFIs and other items, and all receiving and issuing procedures are adhered to, including monthly stock verification exercises conducted with the joint participation of UNHCR supply staff. Our trained logisticians and other staff in the warehouses also ensured that warehouses are well guarded and kept free of rodents and any other pests by ensuring regular fumigation to avoid damage of the stored items. Warehouse management software systems were used in the warehouses to ensure professional management of warehouse activities. Items are stored and issued out in a timely manner and in good condition for distribution to the right beneficiaries.
Drug cold chain management was also undertaken in some of our programs. In Uganda, guided by the Ministry of Health standards, AIRD supports medicine and medical supplies management through establishing and maintaining 2 medical storage facilities. The program transports assorted medicine and medical supplies from these stores to health centres.
Warehouse management
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Unloading items at warehouses located at the AIRD office in N’djamena, Chad