The Nyabitare transit center in Burundi receives a visit from the US Ambassador and the UNHCR Representative
To encourage the return of Burundian refugees, the US Ambassador, Ms. Melanie
To encourage the return of Burundian refugees, the US Ambassador, Ms. Melanie
Above: Ready, set, match! Opposing teams greet each other before their friendly
Mrs Fatoumata DIALLO is a 38 year old mother of 7, who
The ability to bounce back quickly from tough situations is important anywhere,
At the start of 2021, AIRD joined hands with other implementing partners
The adage goes that cleanliness is next to godliness. It may seem
Violent conflict over the past few years has driven hundreds of thousands
Since our establishment in 2006, AIRD has been committed to serving displaced
When AIRD first was first established in the Republic of Congo (RoC)